Friday 3 May 2013

Two, four ,six ,eight ....who do we appreciate !!!

Hello and welcome to my very first blog !!!
Your probably looking at this picture and thinking...hmmm not her best mug shot !!
I chose it for a reason, I wanted to show off all my chins...if you count them i believe there is a whopping three and miniscule four developing...its no wonder i cant breathe at night when trying to sleep...I'm litterally getting choked out by my own chins !!
I know its not my best look, however in order to start this journey I needed you all to see me at my worst and know that even though its embarassing and I wish I hadnt let myself get this far gone I also know that it is an experience, a lesson learned and for that I will learn to worship my body and finally give it the cleanse it needs or die trying !!!
So how am I going to do this ? Well no matter what I do it wont be easy but I'm tired of everyone saying try this and do that. I just want to do what works for me and that is....well...I couldnt tell you because up to this point I havent given it a serious go. This time I have done my homework, brushed up on the basics and put together my own steps to start this process. Not only do I want to accomplish a healthy physical lifestyle but I'm hoping gain some positive insight towards my mental health as well. So here it goes, my eight steps to revival...

1. Create a food guide list of each food group that works for you using only things you like or would like to try.

2. Make a list of your weakness foods and habbits...i like to call it my cryptonite list and find healthy substitutes for each.

3. Create or try recipes that work for you and save them in an archive.

4. Research daily vitamins and supplements and choose the ones that your body needs. Make a list of these, how much you take and why.

5. Commit to 30-60 minutes of exercise daily. Make a list of in and outdoor things that you would actually do. So if you dont rock climb forget about it !! and remember that house work and sexual activity counts too !!!

6. Get at least 5 good nights sleep. Make a list of simple tips you can use that will help you crash...things to listen to, watch, eat, drink or do.

7. Make monthly bucket lists with realistic goals and things to try. These can also be used as rewards for good eating behaviour :)

8. Record all your progress !!! Write about it, take pictures...and be proud of the person you are and are trying to become !!!

And thats it....easy right ??? NOT !!!!!! Its going to be hard, I'm going to want to break things and cry and I might even cheat a little cuz I am human. But so what ?? As long as I see the big picture and I never stop trying to get there it will be ok. Support from family and friends will be a bonus but I dont want to survive solely on that because people can be shifty and in the end its my own self determination that is going to kick this project in the pants. So wish me luck and dont be scared to join me !!! I would love to know if any of these survival tips or all combined work for you :)

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