Sunday 12 May 2013

Death by chicken parmesan !!!

First off I'd like to start out by wishing all the mothers out there a Happy mothers day !! I hope you all got the love and pampering you deserve because we all know that every other day of the year its all about the kids, the spouse, the job, the bills, the groceries and blah blah blah !!! Today its all about us I truly hope you all spent it the way you wanted wether it was sleeping, cuddling the kids, or getting that facial that you know damn well will never bring back your youth no matter how badly you wish it would !!
My day was not so glamorous. It was quiet for the most part. The kids did their chores without fuss for a change wich was nice. I got them to watch a movie with me this afternoon and then hubby and I joined my parents and grandmother at the Casino for a buffet dinner.
You know that eery music they play in scary movies when all hell is about to break loose ??? Well that should have been my theme song as I approached the buffet tonight !!! At first I was like...oh you got this...just eat the healthy stuff so I crammed some samlon and squash on to the plate next to my tiny bowl of chilli and huge morsel of panko chicken parm :) But I took one bite of that chicken and It was game over ! I knew that wasnt going to be my last piece and the same went for the fact at one point i put the chilli on the chicken just to make room on the plate for salad which was a joke cuz all the salad in the world was not gunna help me digest the chicken coop i just piled into my gut. If that wasnt bad enough, i discovered the black bean good...but a little too filling after three helpings of chicken right ??
So wheres the silver lining here ??? Well if i thought anything was gunna do me in, it would have been the cheesecake...but alas !!! NO ROOM for desserts !!! But that didnt stop me from trying...there was no way i was leaving without trying that yummy fruity crepe thing that everyone kept walking away with !!! So there i was getting a dessert crepe, cheese cake the size of a micro machine, tira mi su, and lemon square...oops almost forgot the chocolate fountain with fruit kabobs !!! Needless to say after only managing to take a single bite of each sugary morsel I was ready to blow. You know when i thought it would be okay to cheat here and there I never reallized that my stomach would mind so much...I guess once your used to small portioning all day every day and feeling pleasantly full your body doesnt like you much when you decide to throw it a curve ball by jamming it full of everything on the naughty list and then some. I am not even exagerating when I say I was in pain...real pain to the point where I was no longer enjoying myself and visions of beano were dancing in my head !! I just wanted to burp or let one rip....anything to make this bloating go away lol
So I am not proud of myself tonight...I made a big boo boo and I hope my tummy will forgive me. Tomorrow I will be treading lightly with food and will have to committ to a really good work out of some sort...not sure what yet since mother nature has been throwing some curve balls of her own lately....hello hail ???
Obviously I had the choice not to share this HUGE slip up with you all but In order for me to be honest with myself I needed to be honest with my readers. This is the reallity of it...its not easy...just when you think.. hey I tackled that, you get hit by something worse. I'm not giving up !! I just need to regroup and figure out where I went wrong...for starters...probably should have ate a better lunch. Most important, I should have just splurged by trying a little of this and that and NOT go for whole seconds and thirds and then forced dessert down on top of that....I feel like I violated my own self lol Like my stomach was that girl at a college frat party, drunk and saying.. NO, PLEASE STOP and my taste buds were that drunk annoying guy that keeps trying to get lucky !! As for my conscience...well that didnt kick in til about my final bite...right before the nasty shooting pains in my stomach which have lasted most the night although some may be due to the surge of sickness I experienced while watching tonights hockey game which is a whole nother disappointment that i wish not to discuss since i cant do it without wanting to throw something at the tv and cuss my brains out !!!
So I'm going to try and get a good nights sleep. Hopefully I wont have nightmares of killer chicken breasts coming to take me away...the ironic thing about it is that no word of a meal plan for the week, hanging on my fridge says that tomorrows meal is chicken parmesan !!! Forgive me if I make a few changes to that...dont think I'll be eating breaded chicken for a that time we drank too much Blue Typhoon and yacked it all up !!! Couldnt drink that stuff for years after....just the thought of it gave me a pukey after taste :s
Well thats enough gross talk for one blog...if your not totally disgusted with me...tune in next time as I reveal what will hopefully be a much more progressful day !!! ttfn !

1 comment:

  1.'re too funny with the theme music bit! hahahaaha
