Sunday 5 May 2013

Still on the wagon but I got a flat !!! maybe I didnt eat that many plates of food but I deffinately feel like a blimp after two rounds at Almacs buffet and a piece of my cake which after four and a half hours of creating it I couldnt resisit a taste !!
Sooooo....where does this leave me ??? Well I could down a bottle of exlax but then I would be on the porcelan throne for more hours than I'd care to admitt so instead i think tomorrow will be a day of hard core sweating and liquid diet. My new found love...lemon water :)
I knew it was going to be hard to resist unlimited perogies and sour cream...but i did count them out just to be sure I didnt eat a whole bags worth. I actually only ate about a quarter of what i normally would have which felt good for a change. All I had to do was ditch that mentality of making sure I eat my moneys worth...instead I just ate til I felt full. Not to the point of wanting to be rolled home. However my plan to just order water with my meal went down the drain when I was informed that they sell only bottled water which meant no free wonder the world has a serious obesity problem...its nuts that pop is all can you drink but know that crap that comes out of your tap is not ??? So I was reunited with my long lost pepsi :) It was a happy reunion....i wonder if the fact that it was watered down by too much ice and slow service made a difference...and even then i only drank one and  half glasses which before i could have easily had a 2 litres worth !!!
Anyhoo....tomorrow will hopefully be a progressful day. We shall see !!!

1 comment:

  1. Stef...easy on the Diet Pepsi...seriously. I was drinking Pepsi Max because I thought, hey, it's better than the full sugar stuff. It's not. Since I took it out of my diet completely, I've dropped weight. Don't believe everything you read. Stick to the lemon water! I've been going crazy with raw veg and lowfat dip and it's really made a huge difference!
