Saturday 4 May 2013

Hungry Hungry Hippos !!!


Okay...lets play a game.....who in these pictures is missing ????
That's right !!!! Me !!!!!!!!!!
Which leads me into todays rant. A mother's love is true...but seriously can I have a minute to love myself ???? !!!!
I swear the hardest part about changing my life is my life lol
From the minute I wake up...its a race to the door...let puppy out before he aims fire on my kitchen floor. Pick up all the crap kids leave on floor so puppy doesn't make his own breakfast, one that he will choke on. Start scrambling eggs for doggy breakfast and waking kids up to eat their breakfast....ooh...somewhere in between that I start chopping fresh veggies for my omelette....cuz mommy is NOT allowed sugary least not until I get this cleanse done and learn to keep to portion control :)
Daddy bursts in the front door....blah blah blah ....sitting in a chair taking calls is soooooooooo soooooooo tired...ya ya... good night !!!
Finally almost an hour into being awake I have time to finish making my omelette, by this time the excitement and enjoyment has been sucked out...I just wanna cook this damn thing and eat cuz I am super hungry....hmmmm might even cook it half way....nope !!! don't do it...last thing I need is the runs since I will be running around all day :s
My point here is that even though we love being a mom, a wife a zoo keeper a maid...well not the maid part..I hate that. But we are so consumed with everything and everyone else that it seems impossible to get and stay excited about something that revolves around us. I really hope I can sit these animals down and explain to them that mommy needs to do mommy for a while and they can really start taking some initiative to help themselves because truth be told if I don't stick to my guns I may not be around to clean up after them as long as I should be.
Even as I write this...the word "mom" has been called out at least four times that I didn't block out lol
God give me strength and maybe some supersonic ear plugs !!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's the hardest job I've ever had, that's for sure...and I only have 2 babies! xx
