Wednesday 17 July 2013

Better late than never

   So since I last blogged there has been some good things and bad things happening here. Maybe I will start with the bad so I can end on a happy note ??
The first being the obvious....I haven't blogged in a very long lying ass was just saying in the last one that I should blog more and for reasons such as it was a good motivator to stay on track and yet here I am a month later. I hadn't even posted my results pic at the end of june and no not because I didn't have good results but purely out of neglect mostly because I have been swamped with work and family fun things to occupy the kids all summer long.
  I haven't been going for the 4k walk nearly as often and since my pup got ill we haven't been doing the walks at home either. I can say with confidence that all the walking and sweating I do at work should make up for the lac there of because nothing gets your heart going and your body dewy like a hundred laps around the over sized sauna I call work. Since Ive been on call and all the lucky full timers have been going on vacation I have doubled my hours pretty much which has been helpful at home since we have had some hefty vet bills, a broken down van, an oven on the fritz and some family outings to dish out for.
   After a month of my pool calling my name I finally went in the other day for fun and not just to vacuum it ! Its such a great place to get a work out while cooling me off.
The to admit it but I have been super neglectful of my hasn't slowed me down from wanting to be on the go but it is a waste of nutrients sitting in my cupboard...I want to try to be more responsible with them but the busier I am the more forgetful I get with stuff like that. I mean coming from a girl who rarely remembers to charge her cell phone for days and then I have angry txts from ppl wondering where the heel Ive been or why I wont return their messages. Im sorry peeps its just me leaving my phone in one of my many purses and then finding it days later when its dead and in desperate need of a good charge.
  I could go on and on about all the shit I didn't do but I think Id much rather get to the good stuff now...not that theres a lot of it. I weighed in at the end of June and had lost another 5 lbs !!! So I am down 15 and hopefully still counting...wont know til end of july which will be here in a flash because this summer is flying by !!! My scrub tops are starting to feel a little roomy and I think it might be time to buy some new under garments because when I walk they start to fall off my butt and I fear the times that I am not in a good place to yank em up and they roll right down to my knees !!! So then I have to rush to a bathroom to adjust myself before they get down to my ankles and trip me lol
   When it comes to food I am still struggling with the healthy choices...I flip flop back and forth so I have good days and totally junk crap days which are usually days when there is a bbq involved because who can choose between a hamburger or hotdog ?? Not I !!! However when I go to the restaurants I still opt for something with veggies, not fried if possible unless it Mcdonalds where everything but their over priced salad is fried !! But most important I still stop when I am full and try not to eat out of boredom or depression.
  I'm looking forward to a zumba class this week...found a place that's flexible and cheap so I will let you all know how it goes !!! Sorry for not checking in often...this summer has me running circles all over the place but I'm keeping busy and I am happy and I guess that's what counts !!!

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